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Periodontology is an accredited specialty of dentistry that specializes in treating periodontitis and improving the condition of the soft tissues in the oral cavity . This also improves the condition of the teeth as a whole.
Most commonly, it treats gingivitis and periodontitis ( popularly known as periodontitis).
It also solves receding gums, neck exposure, transfers grafts to fill in missing gums (gingiva plasty), cuts high and disturbing lip bridle strokes, deepens the vestibule, adjusts the inappropriate shape of the prosthetic bed and thus improves the stability and "hold" of the removable restorations, etc. It uses surgical and microsurgical procedures to do this.

This is a bacterial inflammation of the supporting tissues of the tooth (gingiva at the neck, connective tissues and bone beds around the root of the tooth).
It is usually preceded by gingivitis.

Symptoms of the disease are bleeding gums, periodontal scabs form at a later stage, and the tooth necks may become exposed. Bad breath appears. The disease gradually leads to a change in the position and wobbling of the teeth as the inflammation progresses and the loss of the connective tissue and bone bed of the teeth occurs.
The damage caused by periodontitis is usually irreversible. The danger of this disease is compounded by the relative painlessness of its manifestations (bleeding and receding gums are not significantly painful), yet it is one of the most serious diseases of the teeth.


In the mild stage, treatment consists mainly in dental hygiene - removal of plaque and tartar around the crown and neck of the tooth. In the middle stage, mere hygiene treatment is no longer enough. The removal of tartar above and below the gum line with special curettes, rinsing of the molars, supplemented with locally acting medical treatment.
For persistent and difficult to treat conditions, DNA analysis of pathogens in the molars can be performed for targeted treatment.
Treatment is often supplemented by surgical procedures in indicated cases.
As can be seen from the above, early diagnosis and initiation of treatment of the disease is crucial for successful treatment of periodontitis. In the optimal case, this treatment may consist only in dental hygiene interventions - treatment in the office and in changing the patient's dental hygiene habits.


At our clinic we use superior procedures for the examination and treatment of this disease.
We perform diagnostics using a digital periodontal probe with disposable attachments, which provides painless and precisely calibrated measurement of periodontal ridges and recessions. When measuring the depth of the trunks, it always provides a standardized pressure of 20g, which significantly increases the accuracy and repeatability of the measurements; the data are further processed in specialized periodontal software for accurate monitoring of the disease progress.

For the treatment of mild to moderate conditions, we provide dental hygiene along with on-site instruction to motivate the client. We use superior dental rinses to treat inflammation.
We treat more severe conditions and perform surgical procedures of varying degrees using state-of-the-art microsurgical instrumentation. These include microsurgical coverage of exposed necks/roots and for more severe conditions we also perform gum grafting using grafts taken from the palate.

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